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Keys To The New Place

Individually Designed Living Arrangement (IDLA)

It can be just about as fantastic as it sounds, but these situations do require quite a bit of planning and thinking outside the box. Any member who is eligible to receive services through the Division of Developmental Disabilities and is 18 years of age or older could potentially choose to live in an individually designed living arrangement (IDLA). A member would live in their own home/apartment, they may or may not have a roommate(s), and they would be responsible to pay all of their own expenses, such as rent, utilities, and groceries. These are not licensed residences. An IDLA is the members chosen home where they, along with their families and selected providers, work together to help with teaching and/or honing self-help skills, providing supervision that can help increase a member’s autonomy and responsibility, socialization skills, and adaptive skills that can further their independence in their chosen living situation. The Arion Care team works with the members and their families to help make sure that all angles have been examined so that when the member moves into such a situation they are already on a road leading toward success.

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As a planning team member, we don’t want to just “throw one of these together.” These arrangements have oversight by providers to aid with attendant care needs, habilitation needs, or any needs that may require a provider to be present to ensure a safe living environment. The strong background in IDLA situations that Arion has built over the years helps us to be able to more efficiently advocate for members and their families who are interested in, and in a position to, look into these unique living arrangements.

So, if any of this sounds of interest to you or you would like to learn more about it, please contact us and let us know your questions, your concerns, and your thoughts regarding individually designed living arrangements. They can be a wonderful opportunity for the members we serve!

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